Do You Know the 3 Critical KPIs for Event ROI?

Was yesterday’s event successful? Let’s see: The vendors showed up on time. The event layout matched the design to a tee. Attendees mingled and talked with smiles on their faces. These elements are all vitally important. But for fundraising and business events, more concrete outcomes make the difference. Winging it or hoping for the best…

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attendees interacting with an experiential marketing campaign

7 Experiential Marketing Campaigns That Show the Power of Live Events

Capturing the hearts and attention of consumers is becoming increasingly more difficult through traditional advertising. After all, we live in a world where consumers can actively switch off or opt-out of seeing ads altogether and are constantly bombarded with digital marketing. Thus, marketers are faced with the challenge of finding more creative ways to share…

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cell phones, coffee mugs and papers on a desk

11 Keys to Event Advertising That Drives Your Target Audience to Convert

A successful event isn’t just well-planned, it’s also well-promoted. Because your well-planned event isn’t going to go anywhere if you can’t fill the seats. And since three-quarters of event attendees say they have a more positive opinion about the company, brand, or product after an event (EMI & Mosaic), not promoting means leaving long-lasting brand affinity…

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combine experiential marketing with traditional methods like puzzle pieces

How to Combine Traditional and Experiential Marketing to Boost Event Results

The rise of concepts like online advertising, content marketing, and experiential marketing means that event promoters have to carefully consider how much they spend on traditional methods. However, that doesn’t mean that there’s not a place for traditional thinking in most marketing playbooks. Here’s how you can combine traditional and experiential approaches into a single strategy…

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Event speaker

20 Details You Should Always Include on Your Event Website

An event website is practically a cost-free digital advertisement for the event you’re organizing. But even though it’s relatively easy to create a page, you want to make sure attendees are prepared with the details. To ensure it’s effective, make sure to add these 20 important details when building an event website. Your website is…

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