illustration showing group of people talking at resident event

Unique Event Venues: A Guide for Planners & Event Organizers

Switching things up occasionally is important, even for event organizers and corporate planners. Whether you work in public, private, or corporate events, changing the scenery can leave event attendees feeling refreshed and inspired. So, if you’re looking for unique event venues that offer something new and exciting, you’ve come to the right place. This guide…

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Illustration of DJ playing music on stage with audience cheering

18 of the Top Hospitality Conferences to Check Out in 2024 

The hospitality industry is always evolving. Economic trends, consumer preferences, and travel restrictions consistently shift, affecting how the industry operates. To remain competitive, hospitality professionals must stay on top of what’s happening with hotels, event venues, technology, and trends. Attending top hospitality conferences, expos, or summits is a fantastic way to stay up-to-date on current…

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6 Lead Management Tips You Need to Know

There are many avenues a prospect or lead will take along their journey. To effectively manage those leads, it’s crucial that organizations have a set of best practices. Use the lead management tips in this post to help your sales and marketing teams streamline their efforts and boost conversion rates. What is lead management? There…

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Sales and catering coordinator tips

How to Be The Most Successful Sales and Catering Coordinator

Did you know there is a 9% overall job growth outlook for sales and catering coordinators between now and 2026? Prepare your resume and skillset to become even more competitive in this growing job market. Explore the tips outlined in this article to successfully boost group sales, support hotel catering teams, and manage staff at…

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rendering of trees and pool set up for outdoor event

5 Creative Hotel Ideas That Really Work

The average corporate event marketer spends $1,200 – $1,700 per attendee on the event marketing alone in North America. Attract more event planners and book out your hotel spaces with creative hotel ideas that will help prove their investment is worthwhile. Explore the ideas below to see examples of strategies used by leading brands. Then,…

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the best online conference technology

Virtual Tours: 25 Keys to Remote Site Visits Online

Because of shelter-in-place and social distancing, many event planners are now relegated to their homes. However, they’re still busy sourcing events for later this year and for next year too, according to the latest Cvent Supplier Network data.  That means helping planners explore your venue digitally could be critical to securing their future business. Luckily…

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illustration of hotel room layout with bed

The Best Hotel Loyalty Programs: Ideas and Strategies that Deliver Results

Guests and hotels reap significant benefits from loyalty program memberships. Guests earn exclusive perks, discounts, and first-to-know deals. Hotels enjoy increased revenue per guest enrolled in the program. A 2014 study by the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration found guests with hotel rewards memberships stayed more nights than guests”and generated approximately 50 percent more…

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16 Festive Ways to Boost Sales for the Holidays

No matter where your hotel is located, chances are that guests will be traveling there for the holidays. Over 110 million Americans travel for the holidays every year, and not all of them can stay in the spare room at Grandma’s. This massive wave of travelers represents a golden opportunity for your hotel to jump…

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