Check-In Web Sunset Notice to Clients
As of January 26, 2021, Social Tables will no longer support Check-In Web from our Event Services platform.
What will happen after January 26, 2021?
Users will no longer have access to Check-In Web.
Why are we no longer supporting Check-In Web?
Check-In Web has had low usability throughout the years and has been a high-maintenance feature for our team. We did extensive research and gathered user feedback about Check-In Web to help our team develop a new product – Attendee Manager.
Attendee Manager is a more advanced and better-developed way to manage your attendees. We’ve gotten great feedback on Attendee Manager and have seen lots of traction among users, so we decided it was the right time to sunset Check-In Web.
What about my data?
Great news! We’ve migrated all of your attendee information into Attendee Manager for you. There’s no action needed on your end.
Can I still use Check-In by Social Tables Mobile App?
Yes! Check-In by Social Tables will still be accessible to our users and will be available in the app store to download.
Where can I learn more about Attendee Management?
We hope that our Attendee Management tool can continue to assist you in managing your attendees. For more information, please read the Overview of Attendee Management Tool.
If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager or our Support Team.